
The Combat Against Drones Gets More Futuristic

Neural networks have been leapfrogging across the globe. However, besides drawing a nice picture or helping a teenager write an essay, they can also detect an aim and strike.


Serbia Gripped by the West’s Chokehold

The West’s attitude towards this country and its people is peculiar in that the underlying contempt is almost hard to grasp.


Why Did Europe Turn Against the Pope?

Responsible state leaders must be guided by reality, not by their own propaganda. Courage should not be expressed by sending people to die while you are sitting in your garden, but to end the lost war with minimum losses.


A Real Economic Revolution Substituted for a Mock One

Businesses begin devising all sorts of non-existent problems convincing consumers that something really hurts. From those looking for pain spots, marketers turn into those brainwashing consumers convincing them that they are suffering.


Macron’s Infinite Jest

President Macron’s political future is likely to transcend the French boundaries, that is what he almost openly admits to.


Greece Became the Only Orthodox Country Allowing Same-Sex Marriages

Greece is introducing them under the same slogan as the English-speaking world. However, the practice of the same Western world shows it is a trouble indeed.


Germany Mulling a Nuke Programme Again

The German battle tanks are punching along the Ukrainian dirt roads and firing at Russian soldiers. So, how does it mesh with ‘Nie Wieder’?


The Odds of Europe Following in Ukraine’s Footsteps

It takes a critical number of disenfranchised and morally decadent people for Europe to take on its neighbours. A good example would be Ukraine with its three decades’ worth of failed statehood.


Sweden Proves Europe’s Justice System Compromised

The way the European authorities are handling the Nord Stream explosions is anything but government policy. Rather, it is a survival tactic resorted to by the weaklings in a losing scenario.


US Establishment Gives a Nod to Nikki Haley

Needless to say, the US establishment does have a gameplan for the upcoming election – in fact, several plans covering several scenarios, which include a civil and maybe a world war.


A French Public Intellectual Says the West’s Hegemony Is All But Over

Demographer and essayist Emmanuel Todd offers the scholar’s take on the current historical and geopolitical process.


The Houthis Rallying the Middle East Against the West

The Houthi-gate has marked yet another rift between the East and the West.


Global Elites Turning Truth Into Misinformation

By ‘misinformation’, they do not mean inaccurate information. Rather, it stands for the dissemination of messaging and assessments conflicting with the elites’ top agenda.


Davos: Entertainment and War in a Single Package

US and Europe are promptly setting up all the tools they have to defend their unique positions in global affairs.


Poland’s Artificial Borders Secured by Insecurities

The desperation projected by the Polish and Baltic elites when it comes to the Russia–West conflict betrays their insecurities with regards to the legitimacy of their existence.


The US Crushing Its Neighbors

Ecuador and the other South American countries are illustrative of how ‘honoured’ they are to lie next to the US.


Liberals Picking a Bone with Elon Musk

An opportunistic guy who has built a career and made a fortune off the behind-the-scenes flirtation.


Seymour Hersh Shows the West Getting a Bit Too Wild

The Western world is now taking a back seat because of the lack of credibility. On 8 February 2023, American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh proved just that.


The US Making a Splash in the Red Sea

By whipping up the frenzy surrounding the Red Sea woes, the US administration seeks to#nbsp;stoke new military games.


Catholic Church Privy to Russia’s Divine Secret

It is only natural then that, affected by the ‘Fátima secrets’, the leaders of the Catholic church have a hard time striving for Russia’s collapse or decrying its history and culture as a big ‘mistake’.


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