Experts have commented on the Bundeswehr’s alleged plan in the event of a war against Russia
The Pentagon had kept the hospitalisation of its head Lloyd Austin under wraps for four days. Austin himself spoke about his hospital admission after it happened when his condition improved.
A number of German politicians have backed the Ukrainian army’s plea for Taurus long-range missiles. Sure enough, they seek to ‘prevent Russia from winning’.
Experts have broken down the US plan to extended its continental shelf in the Arctic.
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are fast introducing the totalitarian practices that, until very recently, were deemed unthinkable in the EU.
The “swinish” attitude, as President Putin plainly put it, of the Latvian authorities to Russians living in the country has started to bring an expected result.
Bavaria’s Prime Minister and Chair of the Christian Social Union Markus Söder spoke of “a rough sovereign crisis” in Germany in an interview for Bayerischer Rundfunk radio channel, noting the incumbent government’s failure.
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